Sunday, April 6, 2008

Making beams

Hi again, I'm back. And with a lot of new things happening.

I was going to do the main hull now, but went for the beams instead as I want to paint the floats now. So I can paint floats in the new workshop, and do beams in the old. I like to do more than one thing at the time, to be able to do different kinds of work, or spread out more nasty jobs , like sanding.

First a jig is build.

In center is the recess for upper folding strut (UFS).

The surplus of the chipboard is used to for another jig used for making upper corner and the top of the beam.
The corners are heat formed as described earlier on this blog (see floats).

A flange is formed. More on this later.

I have to do this for 4 beams as with all processes when building your own beams.

Also these parts will be needed. Fiber bearings for UFS. ( why is the circles carbon? Because I had a nice pro-made piece at hand, thats why!)

1 comment:

jr-sails said...

Hej Martin
Jeg skal til at bygge en F82R og er derfor intereseret i dit projekt.
Vil du være venlig at skrive til mig på
Venlig hilsen
John Reilev