Friday, December 14, 2007

Fairing float

Mixing the fairing compound on a laminate plywood. Easy to clean with a rag and some alcohol.

Fairing is done making thin ridges with a candybag, at 5-10 cm intervals, then sand them down to almost 0 mm ( lowspots shows easy this way). A hissing sound occur when sanding in fibers so then it is time to stop sanding and move on.

Next comes the difficult part. Filling the rest of the fiber. It is best done by first apply fairing with a smaller spartel, I prefer a 15-20 cm for this. I apply more than I need, and then fair/ scrape of the remains with a 35 cm. To fair I try to make strokes with a even pressure and I do it several times across float.
You need to fill between ridges several times as it is not possible to fill in one go.
I do it in two, but other use tree times to fill, It is very easy to use to much fairing. Of course it is easy to sand but it gets heavy too.

Here is first filling.

A few shots of different parts of the float.

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